[DVD] Teaching Smaller Bands

[DVD] Teaching Smaller Bands

  • Genre: Winds Method DVD
  • Publisher: Brain Music
  • Item No: BOD-7019A
  • Inventory status: In stock


"Teaching Smaller Bands" addresses the challenges of organizing, training and performing with a concert band of limited size. Smaller bands are an unique genre which requires an individualized approach to instrumentation, sound development and balance that will favorably distinguish them from other ensembles.

1. Situation for small bands
Fundamental training concepts for small concert bands are demonstrated and discussed as clinician Kaneda and percussion instructor Harada cover important strategies to strengthen the small ensemble while minimizing its challenges. They consider the small band's precise and clear sound to be an asset not achievable by larger groups.

2. Strengthen the band fundamentals
Sound and musicality are the priority goals in teaching small band. Workable instrumentation, performance and sectional setups, sound training, selecting ideal balance/blend design and percussion adaptability are presented and demonstrated.

3. Approaching the music
Selecting appropriate literature is addressed. Two approaches are considered, 1) using standard small-band literature and 2) adapting larger works to smaller bands. Best ideas for part substitutions and reductions are presented as well as the advantage of using size-limited scoring, Ms. Haneda skillfully demonstrates how to get the most music from a small percussion section.

4. Bonus features
Secrets to teaching smaller band - philosophy for success
Kaita JHS Band / Yonago HS Band